RocketModem Driver Source Package for Debian / Ubuntu

A couple of months ago I posted about using the current model Comtrol RocketModem IV with Debian / Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu/Debian includes an older “rocket” module driver in-the-box, which works well for older RocketModem IV cards. But for the newest cards, it does not work at all. The current RocketModem IV is not recognized by the rocket module in-the-box in Linux, it requires an updated driver from Comtrol.

With some work (mostly outsourced to a Linux guru) I now present a source driver package for the 3.08 “beta” driver version (from the Comtrol FTP site):


Comtrol ships the driver source code under a GPL license, so unless I badly misunderstand, it’s totally OK for me to redistribute it here.

To install this, you follow the usual Debian driver-build-install process. The most obvious place to do so is on the hardware where you want to install it, but you can also use another machine the same distro version and Linux kernel version as your production hardware. Some of these commands must be run as root.

dpkg -i comtrol-source_3.08_all.deb
module-assistant build comtrol

This builds a .deb specific to the running kernel. When I ran it, the binary .deb landed here:


Copy to production hardware (if you are not already on it), then install:

dpkg -i /usr/src/comtrol-module-2.6.22-14-server_3.08+2.6.22-14.52_amd64.deb

and verify the module loads:

modprobe rocket

and finds the hardware:

ls /dev/ttyR*

To verify those devices really work (that they talk to the modems on your RocketModem card), Minicom is a convenient tool:

apt-get install minicom
minicom -s

Kernel Versions

Linux kernel module binaries are specific to the kernel version they are built for; this is an annoyance, but is not considered a bug (by Linus). Because of this, when you upgrade your kernel, you need to:

  • Uninstall the binary kernel module .deb you created above
  • Put in the new kernel
  • Build and install a new binary module package as above

Rebuilding the source .deb

Lastly, if you care to recreate the source .deb, you can do so by downloading the “source” for the source deb: comtrol-source_3.08.tar.gz then following a process roughly like so:

apt-get install module-assistant debhelper fakeroot
m-a prepare
tar xvf comtrol-source_3.08.tar.gz
cd comtrol-source
dpkg-buildpackage –rfakeroot

The comtrol subdirectory therein contains simply the content of Comtrol’s source driver download, and this is likely to work trivially with newer driver versions (3.09, etc.) when they appear.

Git on Windows, it actually works now

I’ve been trying out various distributed source control tools, and used several of them for various very small projects. I’ve most mostly settled on git as the one I prefer, but I haven’t yet published any code with it. Also, I’ve been frustrated that git support for Windows has been very weak.

Msysgit appears to have solved the git-windows problem, at least well enough for small scale work. If you’ve been holding back on trying git because you use Windows, now is the time to jump in.

Update: I’ve posted details on how to get started with msysgit and GitHub as well as a comparison of Git software for Windows.

So, you want to use your new RocketModem IV on Linux

On one of our projects, we’ve been using the Comtrol RocketModem IV for several years, for both modem communications and FAXing (with Hylafax). All of our RMIVs have been completely reliable and very easy to get working under Linux, particular Ubuntu/Debian which includes the rocket driver in-the-box.

Then we got a new card; it looks like the old cards; but according to the rocket driver it does not exist.

We initially suspected a bad card. We were unable to test with the floppy-image diagnostics on the Comtrol web site, because like most of the rest of the world we stopped ordering floppy drives in new machines several years ago. Comtrol support helpfully pointed us at a CD .ISO for the diagnostics, in here:

…without mentioning any reason why this information would not be on their support web site in 2008.

The diagnostics showed a 100% functional card. It finally dawned on me that I might need an updated driver for the current card; and this turned out to be true. The current RocketModem IV is not recognized at all by the rocket module in-the-box in Linux.

Getting it going was an adventure; the short version is that to get the current RocketModem IV to work on any vaguely current Linux kernel, you need to poke around the Comtrol web site and find the beta 3.08 driver, in here:

then do the usual apt-get of a build environment, make, sudo make install, /etc/init.d/rocket start.

Production Deployment

Of course the instructions above are for development / test usage; it is a very poor practice to do the above installation on production hardware, because it makes no accommodation for the inevitable stream of upgrades coming through the packaging mechanism, and because in most cases sysadmins prefer to not have a build environment on production hardware at all (ever).

I am no packaging / Debian expert, but I can see two workable paths to good production deployment for kernel modules like this:

1) Use checkinstall or similar mechanism to create a package which installs the binary modules; set things up so that the resulting package depends on the proper kernel package version. As new kernel packages appear, make new package versions to accommodate them, and likewise for each architecture (i386, amd64).

2) recast the raw source .tar file, as a source-deb package suitable for use with the Debian module-assistant mechanism.

I’d love to hear from any Debian/Ubuntu experts on the relative merits of these approaches.

Perhaps in a few years, things will settle back to the previous bliss of a working driver in the Linux “box”.

Update: I’ve posted a .deb for this here.

Optimize Hierarchy Queries with a Transitive Closure Table

Last year I posted about the use of a Joe Celko-style nested set hierarchy representation, for fast hierarchy queries. Here I will describe another approach which is simpler to query, but more wasteful of space. I did not invent this transitive closure approach, I learned of it from several directions:

There are two (main) places to put the code for building a closure tables: in your application code, or in your database. The application approach is nice if you are aiming to avoid vendor-specific SQL code, but it is quite simple in SQL, and therefore not a big problem to recode for another RDBMS if the need arises. The SQL approach also avoids round-tripping the relevant data in and out of the database. Therefore, the approach I generally recommend for this is an SQL stored procedure / function.

Here is a simplified PostgreSQL stored procedure to do the job; note that his assumes a “widget” table with a widget_id and parent_id (the “adjacency” representation of a hierarchy), and a widget_closure table with fields (ancestor_id, widget_id, depth):

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION populate_widget_closure()
RETURNS integer AS '
  distance int;
  delete from widget_closure;
  insert into widget_closure
    select widget_id, widget_id, 0 from widget;

  FOR distance in 1..20 LOOP
    insert into widget_closure
    select uc.parent_id, u.widget_id, distance
      from widget_closure uc, widget u
      where uc.child_id=u.reports_to_id
        and uc.distance = distance-1;
' LANGUAGE plpgsql;

This sample code assumes a maximum depth of 20, and has no error checking. It will blindly miss greater depths and produce garbage if there is a “loop” in the ancestry. I recommend both arbitrary depth handling and error checking for production use.

Once your transitive closure table is populated, querying it is extremely fast and simple. You can get all the descendants of widget 12345 with the query “select widget_id from widget_closure where ancestor_id=12345”. Of course, this hierarchy representation, while simple to generate, is not simple to incrementally update as the hierarchy changes. The most straightforward way to use it is as a cache, regenerated as needed.

Shoes, a new Ruby GUI toolkit

Last year I gave a talk on Ruby GUI toolkits, and concluded that none of those I looked at were compellingly slick or mature. There is a new player on the field now (thus certainly not mature, but interesting nonetheless): Shoes, from why the lucky stiff.

Shoes creates native applications with a Web feel. It is not built atop GTK, Qt, etc., but rather directly on the relevant native API (Win32 on Windows, for example). Shoes has a lot of potential, which it can realize only if a community accrues around it, leading to lots of polish and a rich widget set.

One thing that surprised me about the Shoes install it that, as far as I can tell, it includes its own Ruby install; I installed Shoes on a machine with no (obvious) Ruby installation and it worked.

Distributed Version Control for the Other 80%

Ben Collins-Sussman, one of the key developers behind Subversion, argues in Version Control and the 80% that distributed version control will remain a niche interest, and will not move in to the mainstream (as his favorite tool certainly has). He has a number of good reasons to back up this thesis.

I think he’s wrong. The “other 80%” are not profoundly stupid imbeciles who could never grasp the point of DVCS. Rather they are, generally, working developers with important projects underway, for which they need tools to work well out of the box when used in the default way. DVCS tools can certainly do that. More specifically, the list of reasons he gives why DVCS won’t become broadly popular, should be read more as a to-do list of how to improve DVCS so they can become broadly popular. What the DVCS community needs is at least one DVCS which:

  • Installs easily on Windows, with a single installer, including diff/merge tool and GUI
  • Includes a very good standalone GUI
  • Secures client/server (peer-to-peer) communicate by default, without user setup of SSH, HTTPS, etc.
  • Integrates well with Eclipse
  • Integrates well with Visual Studio
  • Integrates well with Explorer (i.e. TortoiseBlah)
  • Integrates, begrudgingly, with Microsoft’s SCC API so as to support the many tools which can use an SCC API plugin
  • Includes permission controls for server repositories, including good tools for configuration thereof
  • Automates sharing of branches trivially (some already do this, some less so)Automates the common ways of using a DVCS, most importantly the usage model in which the DVCS is used as a better SVN with full offline capabilities
  • Guides users, if so configured, gently back toward a small number (one, in some cases) of main central branches, which is what most projects want
  • Communicates clearly what kind of project it can support well (most of them) and what kind it won’t support well (those with an enormous pile of huge files, of which most users only need a few)

(SVN itself is not without flaws. Ben lists some of them as areas in which improvements are coming, while others (such as, in my opinion, using the file namespace for branches and tags) are likely here to stay.)

In the next few years we will probably see one or more DVCS tools gain most or all of the features above. With addresses, an important truth will be more obvious: distributed source control is, in most ways, a superset of centralized source control, and the latter can be thought of as a special case of the former.

That said, though, I think the DVCS movement will lose a bit of steam when SVN ships better merge support, if that merge support is sufficiently good. The merge “features” are certainly the biggest issue we have here with SVN.