Wiki Talk at CCSL

On Oct. 14 gave a talk on Wiki technology, as a tool for faciliating collaborative content creation at low cost, at the Computer Consultants of St. Louis.

On Oct. 14 2003, I gave a talk on Wiki technology, as a tool for faciliating collaborative content creation at low cost, at the Computer Consultants of St. Louis. You can download the PowerPoint presentation:

Wiki PowerPoint Presentation: WikiCCSL.ppt

Or read the text of it:

Continue reading “Wiki Talk at CCSL”

Java / J2EE and .NET Talk

At the September 2003 Gateway JUG, I gave a talk on the similarities and differences between Java/J2EE and .NET.

At the Sep. 2003 Gateway Java User Group, I gave a talk on the technical similarities and differences between Java/J2EE and .NET, as well as the non-technical issues in adoption of each. The presentation is available for download here, as well as the plain text of it.

Java / .NET Talk PowerPoint Presentation: J2eeNET.ppt

In the past, readers have asked how I got the text of a powerpoint presentation in to plain HTML. This is a multi-step process, since PowerPoint itself generates graphic-intensive, frames-based HTML with limited, JavaScript-only navigation. PowerPoint lost the ability to generate more reader-friend HTML in recent versions. In its defense, the HTML it generates does a good job of capturing the exact look of the slides, which is very important to some users but not important to me; I want the plain text so that search engines can find it and any browser can read it.

The process is: Continue reading “Java / J2EE and .NET Talk”

PDA Application Walkthrough

Walkthough and screenshots of a PDA application development effort using the .NET Compact Framework, Embedded VC++, Embedded Visual Basic, Pocket Studio, and more.

This spring I created a site-inspection data collection PDA application for an Oasis Digital client. The first phase of that project was to build working prototypes of each part of such a system, in order to demonstrate what kind of application we will be able to create, and to bring my own skills up to date with current PDA development tools (my previous PDA work was a few years ago using the C/C++ Palm development tools). The prototype was a success, and led to a development effort for a system now deployed in production.

Along the way I learned a lot of things about the various tools for PDA applicationdevelopment, made a few dozen screenshots, and posted them here:

PDA Application Walkthrough

Attacking Code Duplication in Java

An important principle of XP is that duplication of ideas in source code is to be avoided. I gave a talk at the XPSTL group on this topic.

On Feb. 5, 2003, I gave a talk at XPSTL about code duplication in Java. The presentation is available for download here, as well as the plain text of it. If you download the presentation, you’ll find the code snippets inside. The samples did not come along for the (very rough) plain text export below.

Attacking Code Duplication in Java

Kyle Cordes, Oasis Digital Solutions Inc.

XPSTL, Feb. 5, 2003 Continue reading “Attacking Code Duplication in Java”

Introduction to the Ruby Language

Presentation and notes from a talk on the Ruby language to the St. Louis Unix User Group.

On June 12, 2002, I gave a talk at the St. Louis Unix user group introducing the Ruby language. The presentation is available for download here:

The text of the presentation, without useful formatting also appears here, so that search engines (particularly the one I need to add to this web site) will be able to find it.

We don’t use Ruby much (yet?) at Oasis Digital, but there are some interesting and useful ideas in it; I recommend looking it to expand your exposure to what’s possible in language design, even if you don’t need or plan to use yet another scripting language.

Addendum: Oasis Digital’s resident “Pythonista” pointed out that like Ruby, Python now supports multiple inheritance and garbage collection (not just reference counting).

Continue reading “Introduction to the Ruby Language”

Now Forming: St. Louis Delphi User Group

In addition to Java and other high-profile tools and languages discussed on the site, Oasis Digital makes good use of Borland Delphi for Windows client applications. I’m interesting in forming a St. Louis Delphi User Group. (For those
of you around the world, this means the St. Louis, MO, USA metropolitan area.)

The first step is to attempt to find some developers and firms using Delphi in St. Louis. I don’t know if there are 2 or 2000 Delphi developers in the area, partly because many firms that use Delphi are rather quiet about it.

To facilitate communications, I set up a Yahoo Group… please join it: