On June 12, 2002, I gave a talk at the St. Louis Unix user group introducing the Ruby language. The presentation is available for download here:
The text of the presentation, without useful formatting also appears here, so that search engines (particularly the one I need to add to this web site) will be able to find it.
We don’t use Ruby much (yet?) at Oasis Digital, but there are some interesting and useful ideas in it; I recommend looking it to expand your exposure to what’s possible in language design, even if you don’t need or plan to use yet another scripting language.
Addendum: Oasis Digital’s resident “Pythonista” pointed out that like Ruby, Python now supports multiple inheritance and garbage collection (not just reference counting).
Introduction To Ruby
Kyle Cordes
Oasis Digital Solutions Inc.
St. Louis Unix User Group
June 12, 2002
What is Ruby?
Look at some code
What is Ruby?
“Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for
quick and easy object-oriented programming.”
What does that mean?
Actually it gets “compiled” to an internal representation
when loaded, somewhat like Perl
Everyone says this, but it’s not really clear what
it means
Object Oriented
Every piece of data is an object
History of Ruby
Written by Yukihiro Matsumoto, a.k.a “Matz”
started in 1993
it’s Ruby, or ruby, but not RUBY
Matz wanted an OO scripting language; goal to be
better than Perl, more OO than Python
Ruby’s Growth
more popular than Python in Japan since 1999
Gaining popularing here
I could find no real numbers
Very few job posts
Ruby and XP
Ruby gets mentioned a lot in the Extreme Programming
Likely reasons:
Ruby support very “soft” code
Ruby is highly OO
Ruby bears resemblance to Smalltalk
Features of Ruby
Explanations and
Simple Syntax
Many thing that look like syntax, are not.
Ruby documents talk about a “Principle of Least
Surprise” (POLS), which means that things work the way you expect them to,
with few special cases or exceptions;
Personally, I find there are really a lot of those
Line Oriented
Lines of code don’t end in “;”
Rather, they end at the end of the line, unless
they obviously don’t:
puts 3 + 4 +
5 + 6
I like this – because it optimizes for the usual
case (one statement per line)
Control Structures and Block Structure
if n > 3
puts “this”
elsif n >2
puts “that”
puts “whatever”
Note that the “begin” of a block is implicit.
Perl-like “if”
print “this” if someVar > 5
doSomeWork while temperature < 65
Array and Hashes are built in
… like Perl, Python, etc.
arr = []
arr << 45 # adds to the end
h = {}
h[‘key’] = ‘Value’
Regular Expressions
Built in, very Perl-like
if str =~ /Some|Thing/
print “Found it”
Dynamically Typed
Ruby uses late binding; decisions deferred until
run time
You can change your design without changing types
Note that it is type-safe
No variable declarations
You don’t declare variable types
You don’t declare variables at all
The “first use” rule tells Ruby the difference between
a variable and a method
a = “this”
a = 45
a = SomeClass.new
Big Numbers
num = 7
9.times {
print ‘num is a ‘ , num.type , ‘ and its value
is ‘ , num
num = num * num
Here Documents
str1 = <<END
some text
and some more
Nothing new here, just a nice Perlism.
Structured Exception Handling
(like Java, C++, Python, etc.:)
# code here
rescue NameError => err # “catch”
# deal with it
ensure # like “finally”
# do this no matter what
Operators are Syntax Sugar
They are just aliases for methods.
Pure OO
All data in Ruby is an object
All code is a method.
Even the basic types (numbers) are objects, though
there are some optimizations under the hood.
Single Inheritance
Like Java, C#, Python
Not like C++
Mixin modules, which are unique toRuby, support
many of the same ideas as MI.
Access Conrol
Like C++
Like C++
Rather unusual – private to this instance, not
this class. This actually makes a lot of sense.
Mix-in Modules
Modules are sets of methods that can be added in
to any class
They typically give it a “personality”
Example: Enumeration
Enumeration Mixin
Provides, with a tiny bit of help from the programmer,
all the normal “list” methods:
map, max
array = [1, 2, 3]
x = 5
array.collect! { | elem | elem + x }
p array # => [6, 7, 8]
More Block Examples
array.each { | elem | puts elem }
hash.each { | key, val | puts “#{key} => #{val}” }
file.each { | line | puts line }
array.each_with_index { | elem, i |
puts “array[#{i}] = #{elem}”
How Blocks Work
There is nothing special about the build in iterarors;
you can write your own easily:
def method1(x)
5.times {
methods(9) { |x| puts x }
Closures are what blocks create; they “enclose”
the state of the variables in scope at the time the block was created.
Garbage Collection
Ruby is a GC language. You only allocate memory,
never explicitly free it.
This is true GC, not reference counting like Python.
Open question: how robust and performant is the
garbage collector?
the range syntax
(1..10).each { |i| sum += I }
(0 .. 9).each { | i | sum += i }
(‘a’ .. ‘z’).each { | str | puts str }
(0 … array.size).each { | i | puts array[i] }
Ranges stay Ranges
Ranges are a class Range; they don’t expand to a
list, so you can say this without any memory problems:
range1 = 10 .. 10000000
Introspection (reflection)
Ruby code and inspect itself at runtime, determine
an object’s methods, etc.
Try this:
a = [1, 2, 3] # create an object of class Array
puts a.methods # get a list of its methods
Naming Conventions
The naming conventions are part of the language,
including first-letter case:
Method aliasing
Many methods in Ruby have more than one name;
This is considered a convenience.
I am not convinced.
C integration
Ruby comes with a toolkit to easy make C code callable
from Ruby
Singleton methods
A singleton method is an instance method associated
with one specific object.
class Foo
foo = Foo.newdef foo.hello
puts “Hello”
Singleton classes
class << foo
attr :name, TRUE
def hello
“hello. I’m ” + @name + “\n”
This modifies one instance by adding a new method
OS-Independent Threading
Ruby contains language-level threading;
Of course this is cross-platform,
But of course it also does not natively thread,
so one OS operation blocks all the Ruby threads.
Most Unixes
Macintosh (OS 9 and OS X)
Windows 95/98/NT/2K
Cygwin and non-Cygwin variations
Great One-Liners
IO.foreach(“file”) {| x | print x}
sort files by date:
Dir.glob(“*”).sort{|a,b| File.mtime(b) <=> File.mtime(a)}
OLE / ActiveX support
(Windows – boo, hiss!)
ie = WIN32OLE.new(‘InternetExplorer.Application’)
ie.visible = true
You can also call any function in a DLL, access
ODBC, etc.
More Examples
class Person
attr_accessor :name, :age
def initialize(name, age)
@name = name
@age = age.to_i
def inspect
“#@name (#@age)”
p1 = Person.new(‘elmo’, 4)
p2 = Person.new(‘zoe’, 7)p1 # -> elmo (4)
p2 # -> zoe (7)
Powerful, flexible language
Simple, consistent syntax ?
Simple like Perl some would say 🙂
Easy to learn the basics (especially if coming from
another P____ language)
Very OO
Good systems-admin features in the libraries (manipulating
files, etc.)
… continued
Core langauge is mature (seven years old)
Rich libraries
Helpful community
The author of the language answers questions on
the main mailing list.
… and Disadvantages
Not well known; not many installations
(then again this was also true for Perl, Java, etc.)
No big vendors pushing it
Documentation is not as broad as more common languages
and many are in Japanese
…. continued
Only a few books
Weak (IMO) thread implementation
Not many Ruby developers to hire
Some parts are not so mature
One implementation, one main author, etc.
Ruby Compared to Python
Ruby has objects all the way down, while Python
is moving in that direction
Ruby is a bit more dynamic
Ruby has blocks
Ruby Compared to Python
Python appears to be in much broader use in the
Python has more apps using it
Python is simpler, Ruby has more Perlisms in the
Ruby compared to Perl
Ruby has a lot of Perlisms
Ruby is pervasively OO, while Perl supports OO in
addition to everything else.
Perl is much more mature.
Resources, Downloads, Etc.
Getting Ruby and learning more about it.
Downloading it:
Unix or Linux: http://www.ruby-lang.org/
Free software, distributed under GPL, or an Artistic-like,
less restrictive license.
Ruby Application Archive
The RAA aims to be the “CPAN” of the Ruby world.
Like other things that aim to be like CPAN for other
languages, it is much less mature then CPAN.
Some of the libraries are in Japanese.
The Pragmatic Programmers
Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt:
wrote a book with this title
have a company with this name
wrote a Ruby book
are leading users of Ruby, apparently for their
consulting engagements.
Think of this as a “community home page” for Ruby:
The PP book is here for download: