How Many (Java) Classes Do You Need To Go (XP) Bowling?

An object-oriented developer searches for a reason to add more of them.

Ron Jeffries recently posted a couple of articles on simple design, with the
specific example of code to score a bowling game:

In a thread on the subject on the XP Mailing List, various posters expressed
a preference for one solution or the other.

With the caveat that I’m normally a very object-oriented guy, I prefer the
second (procedural) solution, in that I find has approriately simple design:
it work, expresses the programmer’s intentions, has (almost) no duplication
of ideas, and has the minimal amount of code needed to do all those things.

The point was made, though, that perhaps the procedural solution would fall
apart once the complexity of the problem increased. To test this idea, I decided
to extend it with the following features:

  • Know what frame the bowler is current done with / working one
  • Know the score of each frame
  • Know if the game is over
  • Reject erroneous input data

My first step was to convert the example C# code to Java. (I like C# at least
as much as Java, but for the moment I’m happier with the code-editing features
of Eclipse compared to VS.NET.) Here’s the Java code, the starting point before
adding any features:

 * Trivial port of Ron Jeffries' Bowling to Java
package bowling;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class BowlingGame {

  ArrayList rolls = new ArrayList();

  public void roll(int roll) {
    rolls.add(new Integer(roll));

  public int score() {
    int rollIndex = 0;
    int total = 0;
    for (int frame = 0; frame < 10; frame++) {
      if (strike(rollIndex)) {
        total += 10 + pinCount(rollIndex + 1) + pinCount(rollIndex + 2);
      } else if (spare(rollIndex)) {
        total += 10 + pinCount(rollIndex + 2);
        rollIndex += 2;
      } else {
        total += pinCount(rollIndex) + pinCount(rollIndex + 1);
        rollIndex += 2;
    return total;

  private boolean strike(int rollIndex) {
    return pinCount(rollIndex) == 10;

  private boolean spare(int rollIndex) {
    return pinCount(rollIndex) + pinCount(rollIndex + 1) == 10;

  private int pinCount(int pinPosition) {
    return ((Integer) rolls.get(pinPosition)).intValue();

I also converted the NUnit tests to JUnit. (Formerly this was available for download,
but I’ve misplaced the file since then.)

With this in hand, I started adding tests for my new features. An example test:

  public void testStrikeWithFrameCounting() {
    assertEquals(1, game.finishedFrames());
    assertEquals(0, game.scoredFrames());
    assertEquals(1, game.finishedFrames());
    assertEquals(0, game.scoredFrames());
    assertEquals(2, game.finishedFrames());
    assertEquals(2, game.scoredFrames());
    assertEquals(2, game.finishedFrames());
    assertEquals(3, game.finishedFrames());
    assertEquals(3, game.scoredFrames());
    rollMany(14, 0);
    assertEquals(10, game.finishedFrames());
    assertEquals(10, game.scoredFrames());
    assertEquals(29, game.score());

This test, and others like it, verify that after each roll, the game object
know what frame has been completed, what frame is scorable, and when the game
is over. (I also added the feature to report the score of each frame, but didn’t
get around to testing it explicitly. I found that to get things right, I needed
a variety of tests for things happening in the last frame, since there are special
rules there.

Without further ado, here is working code to score the game, with the new features:

 * Bowling Scorer, converted to Java, extended to know what
 * frame we are on, what frame has been scored, whether the
 * game is over, and the score of each frame
package bowling;

public class BowlingGame {

  private static final int NUM_FRAMES = 10;
  private static final int NUM_PINS = 10;
  private static final int MAX_ROLLS_IN_GAME = NUM_FRAMES*2 + 1;

  // Input state:
  private int[] rolls = new int[MAX_ROLLS_IN_GAME];
  private int rollSoFar = 0;

  // Output state:
  private int[] frameScores = new int[10];
  private int scoredFrame;
  private int finishedFrame;

  // Processing variables; these would be locals, but
  // this class essentially is a "method object", so we
  // use instance variables instead of param passing
  private int scoringFrame;
  private int scoringRoll;

  public void roll(int roll) {
    if(roll<0 || roll>NUM_PINS)
      throw new RuntimeException("Roll out of range");

      throw new RuntimeException("The game is over, no more rolls allowed.");

    rolls[rollSoFar++] = roll;

  private void calculate() {
    scoredFrame = 0;
    finishedFrame = 0;
    scoringRoll = 0;
    for (scoringFrame = 1; scoringFrame <= NUM_FRAMES; scoringFrame++) {
      if (isStrike()) {
      } else if (isSpare()) {
      } else {

  private boolean isStrike() {
    return rolls[scoringRoll] == NUM_PINS;

  private void scoreStrike() {
    storeFrameScore(NUM_PINS + rolls[scoringRoll + 1] + rolls[scoringRoll + 2]);


  private boolean isSpare() {
    return rolls[scoringRoll] + rolls[scoringRoll + 1] == NUM_PINS;

  private void scoreSpare() {
    storeFrameScore(NUM_PINS + rolls[scoringRoll + 2]);


  private void scoreNormal() {
    storeFrameScore(rolls[scoringRoll] + rolls[scoringRoll + 1]);

  private boolean scoringTheLastFrame() {
    return scoringFrame == NUM_FRAMES;

  private void storeFrameScore(int frameScore) {
    frameScores[scoringFrame - 1] = frameScore;

  private void frameIsDoneIfWeHaveRollOffset(int rollOffset) {
    if(scoringRoll + rollOffset < rollSoFar) {
      finishedFrame = scoringFrame;
    // Continue scoring at the roll after the last one
    // on this frame:
    scoringRoll += rollOffset + 1;

  private void frameIsScoredIfWeHaveRollOffset(int rollOffset) {
    if(scoringRoll + rollOffset < rollSoFar) {
      scoredFrame = scoringFrame;

  // The public interface has a few more methods for the new features:

  public int score() {
    int totalScore = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<frameScores.length; i++)
    totalScore += frameScores[i];
    return totalScore;

  public int scoredFrames() {
    return scoredFrame;

  public int finishedFrames() {
    return finishedFrame;

  public int scoreForFrame(int frame) {
    return frameScores[frame-1];

  public boolean gameOver() {
    return finishedFrame == NUM_FRAMES;

Here is what I like about this solution:

  • There are tests to show that it actually works
  • The method names are, at least to me, intention-revealing
  • The methods are short and straightforward
  • The main scoring loop, which still happens in one straight-line pass, is
    simply this:

        for (scoringFrame = 1; scoringFrame <= NUM_FRAMES; scoringFrame++) {
          if (isStrike()) {
          } else if (isSpare()) {
          } else {
  • There’s not much duplication left in there; perhaps someone can suggest
    a way to get rid of the bits that remain

The real question, of course, is whether this is too much for one class to
do – whether there are any parts of this code that should be a separate class.
The obvious candidates are the pairs of methods: should isStrike() and scoreStrike()
somehow be in a Strike class? They have an obvious parallel structure, a form
of duplication that I might be able to get rid of by adding classes.

I thought these new features would push me there – but they didn’t. Perhaps
a future story would do so. This implementation is still not quite “finished”,
in that I know there are more kinds of error conditions to consider, test for,
and implement. I don’t see any reason to think that adding those now would add
much to the conversation, so I didn’t add them.

One lesson of this exercrise, to me, is a common one: the problem space is
not the solution space
. Just because we have a thing called a Foo in the problem
domain, doesn’t mean we need a class Foo in the solution. We might, we might
not; with test-driven design, the need for a Foo should eventually become obvious.

Comments welcome, via email (address below) or on the XP mailing list.

Word Chains Kata Solution

I worked out a solution for “Pragmatic” Dave Thomas’s Code Kata 19 (Word Chains) in Java; it’s somewhat different than Dave’s published solution.

I’ve been watching PragDave’s Code Katas with interest, since I am also in the habit of occassionally solve a small, standalone programming problem just for the learning experience. Today I worked out a solution for Kata 19, Word Chains. I did this Kata the “pure” way, i.e. without looking at any of the discussion of solution approaches before coding. Here are the results (also on github). I wrote the code this time in Java.

Unlike Dave’s published solution, I didn’t precalculate adjacency lists; rather I took the more brute-force approach of scanning the word list at each step looking for neighbor words. In spite of that non-optimization, this still calculates the word chains for a bunch of examples in a few seconds (total).

I was curious how much of the program’s time is spent checking for neighbor words; this provided a good reason to try out a profiler plug for Eclipse, available on SourceForge. The profiler worked fine, and told me, as I would have guessed, that the program spends approximately 100% of it’s time looking at words to decide if they are neighbors (in the word-chains sense). Of course the usual optimization advice applies: it would have been actively stupid of me to optimize without measuring where the slow parts are.

Upcoming talk at SD 2004

I’m giving a talk on data handling in a disconnected mode appliction next year at SD Expo 2004.

I’m giving a talk on data handling in a disconnected mode appliction next year at SD Expo 2004. This applies to wireless / mobile applications running on notebook PCs, PDAs, even smaller devices like “SmartPhones”.

Details are here

Java / J2EE and .NET Talk

At the September 2003 Gateway JUG, I gave a talk on the similarities and differences between Java/J2EE and .NET.

At the Sep. 2003 Gateway Java User Group, I gave a talk on the technical similarities and differences between Java/J2EE and .NET, as well as the non-technical issues in adoption of each. The presentation is available for download here, as well as the plain text of it.

Java / .NET Talk PowerPoint Presentation: J2eeNET.ppt

In the past, readers have asked how I got the text of a powerpoint presentation in to plain HTML. This is a multi-step process, since PowerPoint itself generates graphic-intensive, frames-based HTML with limited, JavaScript-only navigation. PowerPoint lost the ability to generate more reader-friend HTML in recent versions. In its defense, the HTML it generates does a good job of capturing the exact look of the slides, which is very important to some users but not important to me; I want the plain text so that search engines can find it and any browser can read it.

The process is: Continue reading “Java / J2EE and .NET Talk”

Attacking Code Duplication in Java

An important principle of XP is that duplication of ideas in source code is to be avoided. I gave a talk at the XPSTL group on this topic.

On Feb. 5, 2003, I gave a talk at XPSTL about code duplication in Java. The presentation is available for download here, as well as the plain text of it. If you download the presentation, you’ll find the code snippets inside. The samples did not come along for the (very rough) plain text export below.

Attacking Code Duplication in Java

Kyle Cordes, Oasis Digital Solutions Inc.

XPSTL, Feb. 5, 2003 Continue reading “Attacking Code Duplication in Java”

Java / EJB

Java on Linux

Want to run Java on Linux? I suggest the IBM JDK 1.3 for Linux; I’ve been working with it (on this server, in fact) with good results.

Java Web Applications

In the world of Java web application program, the "default" answer of to the question of how to connect the Java to the HTML is JSP. For a number of reasons, though, this is often not a very good answer. Jason Hunter at wrote an article "The Problems with JSP" about this which caused quite a lot of discussion about this a while back.

Another article in the same is "JavaServer Pages: Panacea or Quagmire".

In my experience, JSPs tend to lead a project down the path of mixing enough Java syntax in to HTML that the HTML can no longer be edited by non-developer. It really does not take very much Java to make that happen, especially since the compilation errors that can erupt from malforms JSP files can be hard even for a Java developer to track down. For small projects this need (for a Java developer to edit HTML files) may be acceptable, but for large projects it can stomp on your attempts at division of labor and greatly increase costs, as each cosmetic change now involves coordinating the efforts of a web designed and Java developer. Ouch.

Speaking of web applications, not everything is cut out be to a web application – and not everything should be in Java. If you are interested in using native Windows clients with Java server code, take a look at LINKTITLE[103].

Misc. Links

Gopalan Suresh Raj’s web site has comparive code snippets covering COM DCOM JAVA/EJB CORBA .NET etc. There are a lot of developers who think of these technologies as very different; Gopalan’s site points out many similarities.

Jive looks to be high quality, Java servlet based discussion forum software. I’ll replace this comment with a report from the "real world" once I have it running.

EJB Related Links

A good starting point for EJB information is at

Also take a look at the EjbRoadmap. and are SlashDot-like discussion sites; they don’t seem to get a great amount of discussion but often do have excellent articles.

A lot can go wrong in J2EE projects; this article has a "top ten" list of failulre modes, many of which really aren’t J2EE-specific at all.

JBoss is an open source, standards-focussed EJB container. Many team benefit from using JBoss for development even if they plan to use something else for deployment. Developing with JBoss in addition to another environment tends to "keep you honest" about following the EJB specs, reducing the likelihood of inadvertantly adding vendor-specific code.