Recommended Reading

Design Patterns, Gamma et al. I have purchased and read several other books on this topic, including language-specific books and longer books. I still like this one best.

Programming Perl, Wall, Christiansen, and Orwant. The "camel book" is a clear and concise book about a perhaps unclear but very concise language.

UML Distilled, Martin Fowler, Kendall Scott, and Grady Booch. An excellent introduction to and explanation of the UML. This book can clear out the fog of an initally dizzying set of diagrams and distill out (!) their importance.

Refactoring : Improving the Design of Existing Code, Martin Fowler. This is a book that resonates strongly with experiences I have had where an existing code base had to be brought under control, cleaned up, and then enhanced. Such work is not totally ad hoc, but instead can be understood (and performed) as a series of well defined transformation. By doing so, and talking about it, our ability to talk about and manipulate software at a higher level is enhaced.

Extreme Programming Explained, Kent Beck. There is a lot of merit in going to original sources… the first book on a topic, a specification document on a technology, etc. This is that book for Extreme Programming, and the subtitle on the cover expresses the core thrust of XP in two words.


The links all go to Amazon for simplicitiy’s sake; you can perhaps get them elsewhere at a lower cost.