I registered and launched kylecordes.com 12 years ago, in March 1998. At the time I was working inside a manufacturing company personally creating and expanding an in-house ERP/CRM system. My intentions and expertise were almost entirely technical, and I named the web site “Kyle Cordes’s Software Site”, which I carried forward as the subtitle/tagline when I converted it to a blog a few years later.
Since then, my own focus has expanded, and is as much on the business of software and related technology as on the technology itself, along with occasional posts about neither of those things. So today, I’ve changed the tagline to “Software, Business, and Life”.
If you have a suggestion for a catchier tagline, I’m all ears.
I like it. I also like your new design, especially the St. Louis skyline and the top navigation.
Now just please post more often to fill in the tagline. 🙂